Romanian Champion Titles conditions according to the latest show rules

- 3 CACJ titles, minimum 1 obtained in a CACIB show
- one CACJ title can be replaced by an „Excellent” qualification obtained in a Club Show in junior class 
- dogs that are already Junior Champions of another F.C.I country, can obtain the R.J.CH. title by winning 2 C.A.C.J. titles from 2 different judges, minimum 1 obtained in a CACIB show

Romanian Champion (R.Ch):
- 3 x CAC, minimum 1 obtained in a CACIB show
- one CAC title can be replaced by an „Excellent” qualification obtained in Club Show in intermediate, open or working class 
- dogs that are already champions of another F.C.I country, can obtain the R.CH. title by winning 2 C.A.C. or 2 C.A.C.L. titles from 2 different judges, minimum 1 obtained in a CACIB show

Romanian Champion Cum Laudae (R.Ch.L.):
- 3 x CACL, minimum 1 obtained in a CACIB show
- one CACL can be replaced by an „Excellent” qualification obtained in a Club Show in champion class

Romanian Veteran Champion (R.Ch.V) :
- 2 x CACV, minimum 1 obtained in a CACIB show
- one CACV can be replaced by an „Excellent” qualification obtained in a Club Show in veteran class